Marble math is a great game to engage 1st graders with education and technology. The game offers simple math with great visuals and interaction. Even if the students get an answer wrong the first time, the game allows them to keep trying until they have found the right answer. To me the best feature of the game is the different levels given to challenge and motivate the students to keep moving until the final level. Overall I recommend this game to teachers who want their students to learn basic math skills along with hands on technology.

Overall i felt like the game is very good for students who are visual learners. The game provides audio and visual assistance while trying to answer the questions they give you each round. I also find the fact that the increasing level of difficulty is essential to the game because it is already not a very complex game, therefore to ensure the student doesn't get “bored” of the game, the increasing level of difficulty helps engage the student into the game a little more. Some constructive criticism i would give the game would be to try to expand the experience of the game by including subtraction or even simple multiplication and division for all primary levels of education.

Marble math with manipulative is a great game that is meant for 1st graders because as they pass each round, the level of difficulty increases and it makes the game more challenging for them. This game can help 1st graders who are visual learners because instead of using their fingers to count they have a box to insert marbles to help them find the answer to the problem. Also, the game allows them to find the correct answer if their first chose was wrong, they are able to correct themselves which i believe could be a lesson learned. To add on, this game is fun and interacting.

Marble Math is a simple yet effective way to assess your student’s mathematical skills. It challenges your students to do their best in order to proceed to the next level, but also gives them an option to use a visual helper to assist them if they find difficulty in any of the problems. I think it is a good game for children who want to brush up on their addition skills. However, I think the game should have more to it than just addition. The game style is impressive and I think it will do well for subtraction, multiplication, and division as well.

Marble Math is a very fun, educational game for first graders. It is a very simple and easy game, but it allows students to challenge their mathematical skills. The game is very fair because if the student answers the question wrong, it allows the student to try again until the correct answer is chosen. The more exciting part about the game is that after all the levels have been played, the student is rewarded with a mini game. Overall, the game is great for first grade students who want to challenge their skills on addition.
